Friday, October 31, 2008

Prescription Drugs

I often wonder what people with ADD were up to for the last 3,000 years without the properly prescribed medication.

What was the percentage of hobos in 1700 that had ADD? What famous people of old do we venerate today that had ADD? Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, John the Baptist. These guys totally had ADD.

I bet if you gave Mozart Adderall, he would have wound up writing bank notes for his father-in-law by the age of 20 while his piano collected dust in the attic. What if Emily Dickinson took Zoloft? What if Nietzsche dropped Diazapam? What would you set the egg timer to on Abraham being sent to an internist that bills on repeat treatments?

Now I'm not saying that no one needs medication, I just hate to think that the Baby Boomers are creating a world where the individual is artificially conformed through meds. The Baby Boomers loved being different when they were young -- and then they went out to make us all the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The boomers do try and push their value system on us. If you are not in line with their value system then yours don't count. And they love to push meds on people. My own father swore that I and my mother are bi-polar and when we went to counseling he was proven wrong. He even tried to put my son on meds (which is illegal for him to do so) for ADD. They only made my son aggressive!!! I really despise the baby boomers. Man, they can't even see themselves.

Signed a generation Xer