Monday, October 27, 2008


Internships, perhaps the most overlooked Baby Boomer scam. This is a prototypically fraudulent, bullshit way for Baby Boomers to secure free young labor with absolutely no promise of future employment, little or nothing in the way of wages and only passing cooperation from universities that sometimes force their students to actually pay to participate in internship programs.

Whatever happened to apprenticeships, with the cobbler passing on his skill to the next cobbler? What about spending time with a younger hire and passing one's knowledge to him or her? No longer. Now, the cobbler's apprentice makes double-binded photocopies of expense reports and just ends up getting a different job out of college with the benefit of having a lone skill -- organizing Microsoft Word documents alphabetically.

Thanks, Baby Boomers, for inheriting a system based on mutual appreciation and loyalty, exploiting what you could from your parents' careers, and hoarding it all for yourselves without leaving anything behind for those who came after you.

Thanks for leaving us as a generation with no substantive experience in any true skill, so all we're left to do is blog about how shitty you are.

And thanks, Bill Clinton, for cutting through all the euphemisms and literally ejaculating on an unpaid intern's clothing.

Now can you sign this form so I can get 3 credits?


Anonymous said...

This is my favorite so far! We really loved the Clinton line. Maybe you should be writing for Jon Stewart. He probably pays better.

Anonymous said...

The bible says "train up a child in the ways that he should go and when he is older he shall not depart from them".

Well the baby boomers misinterpreted that to mean "bang young women who are entering the work force". They didn't invent Viagra for boomer men to have sex with women their age. They invented it to cater to be boomers' lust for young women entering the workforce. I despise the baby boomer generation. They are the ones
who took public corruption and white collar crimes to
an all new level, not to mention they gave us the 60 hour work week. I guess you need 60 hours when you are engaging in so much fraud. But "greed is good", right baby boomers?!!!