Monday, November 24, 2008

Joe Lieberman

Where would we be without your guidance, Joe, you arbiter of social and moral values?

Despite what you think, the Internet doesn't cause terrorism. According to this recent New York Times editorial, Lieberman is pressuring YouTube to "pull down videos he does not like," particularly hundreds of videos produced by alleged Islamic terrorist organizations or their purported supporters. Beyond the unconscionable First Amendment violations implicit in Lieberman's witch hunt is the reality that the INTERNET CANNOT BE STOPPED. It is a massive community where the free flow of information will continue, despite attempts at censorship and control by the likes of China, Myanmar and the junior senator from Connecticut.

If it's not YouTube, then it'll be JihadTube or any number of video sites. Is this campaign demonstrative of the Baby Boomer's lack of forethought and understanding of technology? Or is it just a bullshit PR attempt to demonstrate that Lieberman is "fighting the war on terror?"

Either way, it is the same Clintonian at-all-costs political mentality that led you to buck the will of the voters after losing the Democratic senatorial primary in 2006 and dropping out of the party. Just because you take the worst positions from either side and mold them into your opportunistic political identity does not make you "independent."


Anonymous said...

"The internet cannot be stopped"

Listen, I know it seems this way, but it can be. Be prepared to fight tooth and nail to stop it from being stopped.

The only reason the net hasn't been subsumed by the machine is that people on the Internet are absolutely paranoid about it being subsumed by the machine.

Remember Net Neutrality? That, ironically, would have been the first step in destroying the Internet. Not because the promoters had a hidden agenda, but as soon as you give the government the right to arbitrate over anything, they arbitrate in their favor.

The people that fought Net Neutrality were paranoid freaks that thought that if the government had any hand in legislating the net, it would have ruined it - and they were right.

Some company may try to prevent you from seeing a particular website, or not allow you to visit google or yahoo, and guess what happens without Net Neutrality? You dump their ass and get a provider that doesn't censor anything. Get the government involved though and they will "negotiate a settlement" after 4 years and then impose it on everybody else.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to tell you, Joe Lieberman is NOT a boomer.

You are ignorant.