Friday, November 14, 2008

The Bat Mitzvah

The Bat Mitzvah is the Baby Boomers' greatest faux egalitarian creation. If mainstream Judaism really wants to make a place for women, then it should quit making stuff up for the sake of a scaled-down religious "experience."

The invention of the Bat Mitzvah allowed DJs, caterers, hotels and foam hand makers to make a killing. They are the Mitzvah Industrial Complex, and they must be stopped.

Despite the kick-ass candlelighting ceremony, how many of these girls can even walk up to the bimah? Or carry a Torah? Or preach? Or become rabbis? Or refuse to listen the prayer that thanks God for making men men?

The Bat Mitzvah shows that even in religion and spirituality, Baby Boomers choose the option of painting the house as opposed to gutting the inside.

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