Friday, November 21, 2008

The Family Sitcom

You flip through the channel guide and curse at the unrequited picture box of television: "A million channels and nothing on!"

These are the moments that make me want to do so some Baby Boomer Beat Down. Why are you people making us watch these shitty family sitcoms -- the same fucking ones -- for the 30th year in a row?!?

Is anyone aware that Jim Belushi has his own sitcom? Yes, Jim Belushi, brother of John (who actually lived up to his Baby Boomer potential by overdosing before he could sell out and turn into Chevy Chase). Jim Belushi couldn’t light a candle in the wake of one of John’s farts and now he has his own family sitcom? Whaaaaaat?

I read in history books that the Baby Boomers espoused hope and benevolently radical ideas. Their crappy pot made them lose those ideas, apparently, because you're not fooling anyone -- "The Jeffersons" is just "All In The Family" with black people, and we've known it all along.

When I was a kid I learned about setting up a joke from Lucy, I found out about despicable racism from "Good Times" and I was amazed by the power of imagination through "The Muppets." When the Baby Boomers took over, they substituted in the crackerness of Drew Carrey and Tim "The Toolman" Taylor -- if you've laughed out loud at either one of these two shows, I can say without reservation that you have no sense of humor (ask your friends, they'll back me up).

It's a classic Baby Boomerism. Take a basic concept that works, and drive it into the ground. Keep producing the same show with worse actors.

Please……Please……Don’t watch this shit anymore. If Jim Belushi having his own family sitcom doesn’t keep you up at night, think about this: He is the entertainment culmination of the grooviest generation.

Temporary lay offs. Good Times!
Easy credit rip offs. Good Times!
Scratchin’ and surviving. Good Times!
Hangin in a chow line. Good Times!
Ain’t we lucky we got ‘em. Good Times!


Anonymous said...

dAt least our generation did not trash up the television with reality shows! I especially like the original"Survivor" where only if you are a jerk do you survive. Says something about the upcoming generation don't you think?

Your Mom

Anonymous said...

And that jerk who won the original Survivor was a gay, failed foster parent, a tax criminal AND yes he was a Babyboomer on a show created by BOOMERS. My children (gen Y) will correct the crap done to our country by you boomers and make you look like the freaks you all all. Gen X Mom